Saawani's BirthDay

    We just celebrated Saawani's first birthday.
    Check out some pictures


    This website redesigned !

    Posted on: September 25, 2005

    This was long due, the new look for our website. Well, I know I have been busy and "WILL BE" a lot busier as december approaches, so decided tp complete the redesign just right now. This is not the very best designs of mine but it's good and was ready. It may receive some final touches later on but for now, its out there.


    We head to Lake Winnipesaukee, NH

    Posted on: June 25, 2005

    Lake Winnie We, a few friends at Siebel, decided to take a break from the office work and go somewhere North. After enough researching and changing places a few times (well, that comes naturally as we belong to 'change_master' Siebel, isn't it?) , Lake WinniePesaukee in new hampshire became the agreed destination. Its not too far from Woburn MA and the place turned out to be spectacular. We went to beaches, then had a boat ride, could catch some fabulous sunset and then we took the 'train ride' next day. All in all, it was a wonderful trip and had fun to hang out with guys 'after the work'.  Check out the pictures !


    What to do on a hot summer's day ?

    Posted on: June 05, 2005

    Crane Beach It's getting really hot in here (almost 100+ every day). Should not be too much considering where we come from but hey... when you are in Boston, anything above 55 is enugh to make you feel hot :-) and what could be better than to hit the waves on a hot summer's day... We headed to the 'Crane Beach', Ipswich for a perfect beach-side evening. Water was very cold so only the bravest were inside and we choze to walk on the soft sand... see and get jealous !


    Graduation is here.....

    Posted on: June 03, 2005

    Sups Finally the day was here and man... what to say... I was thrilled to see almost 2700 students getting their degree and going into the world to apply that knowledge. And moreover, my dearest wife was one of them. The commencement ceremony was breath taking yet simple. Few small speaches later, the graduates started walking across the podium to get recognised. Suparna was among them and I was lucky enough to catch her glimpses on the huge close-circuit monitor while she was shaking hands with the chancellor, my camera did not prove to be that lucky ! But later it had to do a lot of work. You can check it out here...


    Suparna's Graduation Day Coming Up !

    Posted on: May 27, 2005

    We have been waiting for this day for last 2 years. yess, the school is finally over and the cap and gown day is here at last :) The graduation is on 3rd june and we are scheduled to arrive at the function at 8:00am in the morning. Well, a bit early for me, but worth waking up ! We will post the photos when we get them, till then, preparing for the ceremony, I mean, graduation. I am excited and Suparna is, well, you can guess.....


    We went to Kentucky to see Sameer, Ashwinee and Aryan

    Posted on: 23-27 March, 2005

    Lexington We were looking forward for this trip for a month's time and when it actually happened, man.. no words to describe that. Had a great, great time together. We were meeting after 4 some years and really happy to see each other but Aryan took the cake and literally stole the show.

    We were around him all the time, playing with him and taking pictures and making him laugh. He is really cute and playful and he did not make us feel as outsiders. The hardest part was to leave him and come back to Boston. But we made sure we got plenty of pictures of him along with us. We keep looking at those whenever we think of him and hope to see him real soon when he will come to visit us in Boston. Wanna see him ??? Here he is


    We been to Las Vegas..........

    Posted on: January 21, 2005

    LasVegas Finally, we made it there. It's since so long we had been planning a trip there and it so happened. Not only happened but was great.

    We even managed to win $ 21 :-). Those of you been there to Vegas, or any gambling will know how difficult it is to win against the 'house' :) My dear old friend Bhargav and Himani Pendse also accompanied us. They flew from Florida while we went out of 3 feet of snow here in Boston.

    This is by far the best trip I had ! Check it out We in Las Vegas