Saawani's BirthDay

We just celebrated Saawani's first birthday.
Check out some pictures


Welcome to our home on the net !

This page will be updated frequently (well, not every day, or every week :-) ), so keep coming back to check if any thing is 'new'  with us.

This Website - Redesigned

Posted on: January 8, 2007

Old Design A long due update to the design of this website is now live. I had been thinking about it but somehow could not just get to it. This site has face lifted a few times before but the last design survived almost more than a year. Lets see how far this goes. To be honest, I am not completely happy about this design but for now, I will stick to it until I get some more free time to 'be creative' :-).


Saawani - A Fashion Statement ?

Posted on: June 5, 2006

Saawani's grandmothers (yes, my mom and maavashi ani many others) brought her an array of blankets, clothes, toys and accessories. Well, they insisted on showing that off and Saawani should have any objection as she is any ways going to enjoy anything that is given to her. I was trying my best to take pictures that will depict the beauty and intricate artworrk on some of these blankets. Check it for yourself if I have done justice to that.


Saawani - Many Moods !

Posted on: May 30, 2006

Hello Folks...  update to this website were due for many many days. It's actually well overdue now. But we were too occupied to do any changes to this because of many things. First, Saawani :-). She is a very sweet kid but was easily able to keep all of us busy all the time. We were playing with her, sleeping her and feeding her. I did not get to touch my laptop computer for 4 months, and boy I did NOT miss it at all ! I mean, playing with your daughter can make you forget the things that your wife wouldn't :-). So in short, there were so many pictures taken and waiting in the computer to get on the internet. Finally, have managed to get few albums going. See this one right now and I will post few more very very soon. Here are the many moods of our dearest !


Best of "Saawani"

Posted on: January 28, 2006

Here is a small compilation of few of Saawani's nicest pictures. I have to agree that I haven't been taking pictures a lot as she was keeping all of busy for last three weeks. But her schedule seems to be settling down somewhat and now I think, I can go back to 'camera mode'. Now, she has been holding her head well and also started staying awake more time than before. So, it will be fun to 'picture' her in next few days.  Take a look at the pictures !


"Saawani in action !"

Posted on: January 14, 2006

Saawani Video Image Please take a look at the small video film posted here. The clip will be played automatically when you go to that page.
If you are using dial-up and not able to view properly, Please download the clip saawani1.avi   (8.5 MB) and run in windows media player.

This video was shot using Canon digital camera and the quality is accordingly. Also, you will be able to download the clip from that page if you want to store it on your computer.


New Kid on the Block !

Posted on: December 31, 2005

We are delighted to announce the new addition to the 'Joshi' family. Yes, our (9 months due) daughter "Saawani" has finally arrived on Dec 29, Thursday, 4:42pm EST (Boston time). "Saawani" weighs 7.4 lbs and is 19" tall. Both mother and daughter are doing fine. For me, well, I am busy in running around getting things, and playing with Saawani when she is not nursing :-).

Lots of friends and relatives are eager to see the pictures, so without any further delay, here are the pictures !


Check out the Archives now for older entries !
